Clear Braces in Lake Forest, CA

Are you looking for a discreet and effective way to straighten your teeth? Look no further than our clear braces! With their virtually invisible appearance, you can achieve a beautiful smile without anyone even noticing.

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Why should I choose clear braces?

Clear braces are near-invisible orthodontic devices made of transparent materials, designed to straighten teeth without the conspicuous look of metal. They blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them a discreet option for both teens and adults. Clear braces offer precise control in aligning teeth so you can expect efficient and beautiful results.

tooth and mirror tool

Did you know…

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Clear braces were first introduced in the 1980s as an alternative to metal braces.

Source: American Association of Orthodontics

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Before Image

Goodbye, Goopy Impressions

Say goodbye to messy and uncomfortable goopy impressions! With the iTero Intraoral Scanner, you can now experience a more comfortable and convenient dental visit.

itero oral scanner

The Damon System

The Damon System is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that uses self-ligating brackets to eliminate the need for elastic or metal ties. This results in a more comfortable and efficient experience!

woman with damon braces

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Service Before ImageService After Image

The Benefits of Clear Braces


Clear braces offer a discreet and subtle way to straighten your teeth, allowing you to feel confident throughout the entire treatment process.


Clear braces can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked, crowded, gapped, and overlapped teeth.


Clear braces are designed to be more comfortable than traditional braces, so you can go about your daily activities with ease.

The Clear Braces Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, your doctor will examine your teeth and discuss your treatment goals. They will explain the clear braces treatment process and answer any questions you may have. This is also an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or preferences you may have regarding the treatment.

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Customized Treatment Plan

After the initial consultation, your doctor will create a customized treatment plan for you. This plan will outline the specific steps and timeline for your clear braces treatment. Your doctor will take detailed impressions of your teeth and use them to create custom clear braces that will fit your teeth perfectly.

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Fitting and Placement of Clear Braces

Once your custom clear braces are ready, you will return to your doctor's office for the fitting and placement procedure. Your doctor will carefully attach the clear braces to your teeth using a special adhesive. They will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit. Throughout your clear braces treatment, you will have regular check-up appointments with your doctor. During these appointments, your doctor will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the clear braces. These adjustments will help to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Clear braces are an effective solution for most orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, gaps, and misaligned bites. However, severe cases may require alternative treatments. Your doctor will assess your specific situation during the initial consultation and recommend the most suitable treatment option for you.

Yes, you can eat and drink normally with clear braces. However, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after meals to prevent any staining or plaque buildup.

With clear braces, you can start seeing results in as little as a few months. However, the total treatment time can vary depending on the individual case. On average, most people complete their treatment within 6-12 months. Your doctor will provide a personalized treatment plan and give you a better estimate based on your specific needs.